Marbella II Coming Soon?
By ianmac47
Thursday, March 29th, 2012 | Development, Waterfront | 2,911 views | Permalink |
A while back on Roseland Property’s website, a listing for “Marbella II” appeared under the coming soon section.
A while back on Roseland Property’s website, a listing for “Marbella II” appeared under the coming soon section.
Jersey City’s downtown shopping district has long fallen short of expectations. For years, Newark Avenue looked like a set piece from the yet to be filmed Escape From Jersey City.
Two Boots Pizza has posted signs in a Newark Avenue storefront currently undergoing renovations. The storefront is one of the first on the south side of the block to under go renovation. The store is the former Tortillas Grill at 133 Newark Avenue.
Jersey City Wine and Spirits on Jersey Avenue had a hand written note emphatically declaring, “No Snookie.” Picky your sides, local businesses. Abbey’s Pub and Marco and Pepe have supposedly granted permission to film, though we’ve also heard the opposite about M&P. Rumors have it that Snookie and Jwoww will hold jobs at neighborhood bar […]
The Jersey Journal reports that Anthony Hardy filed a complaint against Jersey City Police for violating the constitutionally protected right of photography in a public space. While we aren’t normally interested in police blotter stories, as a blog that bases much of the content on public photography, we find this form of police abuse especially offensive.
The world’s most famous Oompa Loompa and her scraggily sidekick, Bowwow, were granted filming permits for their Jersey Shore spinoff yesterday. While Hoboken turned down MTV and the promise of yet another tourist inducing reality series, Mayor Healy was all too eager, even offering to go drinking with the girls (we suspect he could drink them under the table).
We’d all but given up on Torico Ice Cream ever returning to the corner space on Erie and 1st Street. The renovation project of the beloved ice cream parlor began in October of 2010. Many hoped to see Torico reopen by the summer of 2011 and indeed handwritten signs promised just that begin in May. Updated signs in July promised an opening in August, and then another in September. When the first year anniversary of the renovation project passed, we had all but given up hope.
The rental market in Jersey City is coming back and no better evidence of this is the construction of a new residential tower in the Newport section of Jersey City. The Lefrak organization is notoriously conservative with development projects often self financing and progressing as market conditions dictate.
The Newark Avenue revitalization continues with the opening of Gypsy Grill. Located a 187 Newark Avenue, the new business is just steps away from the recently opened Barcade. Gypsy Grill offers affordable mediterranean food.