WORD Bookstore Moves to Hamilton Park
By ianmac47
Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 | Hamilton Square, Shopping | 2,336 views | Permalink |
Jersey City’s WORD Bookstore relocated from Newark Avenue to Hamilton Square.
Jersey City’s WORD Bookstore relocated from Newark Avenue to Hamilton Square.
Holiday markets are here for all your local gift buying. Find a personal and unique gift at a local market and avoid the crowds of the mall or the stress of waiting for a package delivery.
The former Milano Furniture store on Newark Avenue and Erie Street is set to become the home of Sensory Kids, an all encompassing childcare facility.
The former Hudson Camera shop that closed last month is rapidly being renovated to become a sports bar.
Jersey City’s downtown shopping district has long fallen short of expectations. For years, Newark Avenue looked like a set piece from the yet to be filmed Escape From Jersey City.
Jersey City Wine and Spirits on Jersey Avenue had a hand written note emphatically declaring, “No Snookie.” Picky your sides, local businesses. Abbey’s Pub and Marco and Pepe have supposedly granted permission to film, though we’ve also heard the opposite about M&P. Rumors have it that Snookie and Jwoww will hold jobs at neighborhood bar […]
We’d all but given up on Torico Ice Cream ever returning to the corner space on Erie and 1st Street. The renovation project of the beloved ice cream parlor began in October of 2010. Many hoped to see Torico reopen by the summer of 2011 and indeed handwritten signs promised just that begin in May. Updated signs in July promised an opening in August, and then another in September. When the first year anniversary of the renovation project passed, we had all but given up hope.
The new towers rising over the last decade have mostly all included retail along the base in the hope of creating vibrant mixed-use communities akin to older city centers, but as the economy has soured, many of those spaces remain empty.