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Friday, June 20, 2008

Edible Arrangements Coming to Liberty Harbor North

Edible Arrangements in Jersey City in the Liberty Harbor North development

Edible Arrangements, the flower bundles made from carved fruit, is coming to Liberty Harbor North's Grand Street retail strip.

Residents have been living in Liberty Harbor North for several months already, but retail so far is still in development. Along Grand Street, the base of the 'brownstone' units contain retail spaces that are finally now being finished. Also along grand street are two actual historic properties with retail space that have been rehabbed.

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Blogger PDC Ryan said...

It's great to see the new retail coming in - and I'm looking forward to seeing the corner of Jersey Avenue built out for people walking to the HBLR.

One question that has always stuck in my head since I first saw the concept renderings of Liberty Harbor's ground floor commercial is ADA compliance. Are there steps down to the commercial space? How does that work?

2:25 PM  
Blogger brooklynfoo said...

good question about the ADA compliance. as an architect, i can tell you, there is little room for error when it comes to accesibility. i can understand variances if there are existing retail spaces but this is not that case. anyways, with that said, im glad the businesses are popping up.

8:06 PM  
Blogger Ian said...

They are definitely below grade by two or three steps. Its not a lot but I don't think there are any ramps, and each alcove is completely separate from the others, so there is no centralized ramp. I am neither a lawyer nor an architect, so I have only a passing familiarity with ADA requirements.

The two historic brownstone buildings in the middle of Grand Street also have two steps up, but as Brooklynfoo pointed out, should be exempt since they were existing.

There is actually a lot of space between the curb and the business entrance in the little depressed alcove area; I would not be surprised if a cafe put out tables in the outdoor space.

9:20 AM  

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