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Monday, June 09, 2008

Overheard: New PATH Car Rumors

A train conductor's conversation over the weekend provided a few insights on the mysterious new PATH train cars that should arrive this year. Accordingly, the new cars won't be in service until September at the earliest, and even then, they will undergo a number of test runs through the system before customers actually see the inside of them. The other little tidbit worth noting is that the new cars, unlike the current fleet, will have closed circuit cameras on every car. Big brother is watching you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

about time! the PATH system is so ridiculously outdated. while they're at it, they should just automate the entire system like HK's MTR.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the PATH seems pretty efficient when it comes to using personnel. They seem to operate the system with a minimum of people. The problem is that the PATH system uses ancient tunnels, lacks express/local separated tracks and doesn't go very far.

9:07 PM  

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