PATH Replacing Wooden Benches

The Port Authority has installed new metal benches in the 33rd Street station, replacing previous wooden benches. Also, flat screen monitors have replaced older cathode ray tubes for the useless PATH Vision. PATH Vision displays advertisements and occasionally the time of the next departing train, most often after the train has departed.
Labels: Transportation
There are also new metal benches in the Pavonia/Newport and Christopher street stations.
It's because New Jersey doesn't want bedbugs hitchin' any rides back on the PATH train, and with the wooden benches, they can hide in any cracks or seams in the wood. No need for the infestation to come across the river.
Benches spotted at Newark Penn.
Why would they replace the tvs for the path "vision" system. A rep who came to a vvp neighborhood meeting said they stopped displaying the next arrival times because the system was so inaccurate. Are they planning a new ad campaign?
Has anyone else noticed that these new benches in at the 33rd Street station have already become wobbly?
Why? So that fewer people can sit down? What the heck is wrong with the wooden benches? They have backs and fit more butts on them. Instead, these metal ones probably fit half the number of butts. Dumb.
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