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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

546 Jersey Avenue

546 Jersey Avenue is new, small scale construction on Jersey Avenue between Newark and First Street

The exterior of the building seems nearly complete; the ground floor is clearly some sort of retail though there are not yet any signs indicating the occupants. Hopefully this retail space will not simply add to the vacant store fronts of Newark Avenue.


Monday, September 29, 2008

First and Jersey Project Rises Rapidly

On the corner of Jersey Avenue and First Street, a small development broke ground this summer and rapidly ascended. There was a small crisis when the wall nearly collapsed -- the wrong type of braces were installed. But since making the necessary repairs, the building has progressed quickly.

The lot was formerly a fenced in, paved over space used only part of the year to sell Christmas trees. It appears the base will contain a retail space, with apartments above. The building only yards from Newark Avneue.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Small Development Rises on First Street

A new building is sprouting up on Jersey Avenue at First Street. The site broke ground a few weeks ago and is already well onto a third story. The lot was once used for selling Christmas trees. The site is just off Newark Avenue -- the bank of America on Newark Avenue spans the block and is visible on the left in the above photo.

The building does appear to have large open spaces on the ground floor, presumably for retail space.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

New Construction on Jersey Avenue

A once vacant lot on Jersey Avenue is now under construction

An empty lot where Christmas Trees were once sold has a new foundation. The corner lot at Jersey Avenue and First Street, just off Newark Avenue, has sat empty for years. But the chain link fence will soon be replaced by a new structure as a foundation has already been laid.

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About New York's Sixth

New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.


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