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Friday, June 27, 2008

Hoboken Bicyclists Organize

While New York City in recent years has been quite proactively reclaiming space for pedestrians and bicyclists, the same can not be said in Hudson County. That could change thanks to the efforts of Bike Hoboken, a group working to convince city officials to add bicycle lanes throughout Hoboken. They have a plan.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Y'all are thinking about this the wrong way. If you want a safer environment for bikes, stop waiting for the messianic coming of the carless world, always just around the corner. Get traffic off local streets by building below or above ground (I prefer below) through routes to vacuum through traffic off the streets and leaving the local traffic to the locals, many of whom will be on bikes. It shouldn't take 20 minutes to drive from Observer Hwy to 14th street. If you have a tunnel under the 'Boke or an elevated road over the light rai, tracks you can get through traffic through the Boke in 90 seconds without it ever affecting the safety and serenity of the locals. Of course, that means reconciling Hoboken to the continued existence of the auto, and really, that's not very "progressive" at all, now is it.

Does Hoboken get cold from December to March? Do you think you'll have 8,000 people using these lanes in January?

12:42 PM  
Blogger Cyclewag said...

Yippie. Finally we will have a place on Hoboken's roads where we belong.

Count me in for added support and a useful mouth piece (just ask the city council and mayor per 6/18 council meeting on new taxes.) I have some new powerful friends on the city council and in the general public that can help our cause.

Thanks for fighting for cyclists.

Our town was made for bikes & pedestrians, not cars.

Safe Riding

10:54 PM  

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