Poll Lines Two Blocks Long

Polls have been open for two hours in Jersey City and lines at polling places are two blocks long and continuing to grow. Turn out will clearly be astronomically high.

Labels: Harsimus Cove
Labels: Harsimus Cove
New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.
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turnout was very high in my neighbhorhood too, but from talking to people at work, less so in the suburbs..
I'm near journal square...I was in and out in under 20 minutes. The experience would have been cut in half if the volunteers were a little more organized though.
Very high turnout in Newport as well (with only two voting booths). Arrived around 6:30am, voted just before 9am.
Photo of the line.
I voted here at around 8 this morning. The problem seemed to be that they were understaffed/didn't have enough booths for district 15. The district 15 line was moving very slowly.
Districts 13, 14, & 15 all vote at Grace Van Vorst. I was lucky to be district 14, and got to skip the long line, but I felt bad for these voters.
I voted in the lobby of one of the residential towers, a couple blocks north of the newport/pavonia path station. At 6:45am, there were 175 people in line in front of us, and two hours later when we left, there were easily 200 people still there in line. Chaos! But in a good way.
I had the displeasure of waiting in the District 15 line.It seems to me that district 15 is where most of the development has taken place in the last decade. The staffers were trying to be helpful but seemed to be under informed in general.
I voted at Grace as well... District 14. Realized a couple of hours later that I didn't sign anything - typically you sign the book and another slip of paper to hand in prior to entering the voting booth. No one on my line had those little slips. Maybe that's why our line moved so quickly???!
District 14 did have slips for people to sign, but had fewer voters per machine. District 15 somehow has a disproportionately high number of voters over 13 and 14.
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