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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Macy's Tells Jersey City to Fuck Off, Buys NYFD

For the last three years, Macy's 4th of July Fireworks display has included East River locations for Manhattan and Brooklyn while a simultaneous display has been shot near the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty viewing was visible from Liberty State Park as well as Paulus hook on the northern bank of the Morris Canal in Jersey City.

But this year, Macy's has declined to include a Hudson River barge in their viewing area. Take a look at the Fireworks Viewing Map if you don't believe us.

Adding to the problem, the New York City Fire Department, acting along with Macy's, has declined to allow Jersey City access to the Hudson River for a display, citing an 1834 treaty, reports the Jersey Journal.

Jersey City will be shooting off fireworks from the ground on Liberty State Park, so the show will go on, no thanks to Macy's. Just remember that the next time you go department store shopping, Macy's doesn't think we're valuable enough for a fireworks display.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck jersey we hate you..

11:14 PM  

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